Kotter's 8 Step Change Model
The 8 Step Change Model is designed to bring lasting change to an organisation and every single step is equally as important in achieving this. Kotters 8-Step Change Model provides a step-by-step process you can follow to give your change a fighting chance of success. John Kotter S 8 Step Change Model Comprises Eight Overlapping Steps From Experience We Learn Change Management Change Management Models Change Leadership Plan and seek out the support of change management tools to easily embrace the change. . It gives a clear description. The first four steps of his model while challenging are still easier than Step 5. John Kotters Eight Step Change Model John Kotter 1996 a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned change expert in his book Leading Change introduced an 8 Step Model of Change which he developed on the basis of research of 100 organizations which were going through a process of change. New initiatives pr...